Dictamnus is an endemic herb of Crete and this little natural treasure has a reputation as one of the most healthy herbs with healing properties. Wounded goats will heal their wounds from the hunters arrow shots and Hippokratis prescribes it as a medicine for stomach or digestion issues.
Dicatmnus is a herbaceous perennial that grows wild on the rocky bottom and in the gorges of Crete – a multi-branched, 6 to 12 inch herb with round, soft, flaky gray leaves that originate from slender, arched stems. The white, covered leaves highlight the 6-8 inch petals with pale pink purple that bloom in summer.
In Crete it is widely used for teas, as well as, cooking. However there are mentions of its use in witchcraft for the making of love potions, as well as, for the materialization of spirits through its smoke!!!
It has played an important part in Greek Mythology, as a medicinal herb through medieval times, and as a perfume and flavoring for drinks such as vermouth, absinthe and Benedictine liqueur. Flowers are dried and brewed into an herbal tea for all sorts of ailments.
The Dictamus plants symbolize love and are said to be an aphrodisiac and have long been given by young men to their lovers as a representation of their deep desire.